KAREYCE FOTSO en concert au Afrikafestival Hertme en Hollande Dimanche 03 juillet 2011


The young KAREYCE FOTSO (discovered by Radio France International in 2009) is truly an African revelation. Born in the Bamileke region of Cameroon, brought up amongst the Beti and living in the multicultural capital Yaoundé, she unfolds a resonant, slightly husky voice along with profoundly emotional folk-soul melodies. This young artist softly strokes her guitar strings or the keys of her sanza (small African finger piano) accompanying her songs in Ewondo, Bamileke, English or French with lyrics on women’s rights, her dreams or her country’s situation, all performed with extreme sensitivity. Full of grace, and as a true scintillating star, Kareyce Fotso can take her rightful place in the greatest African singers constellation. Smartvideo is a team of non commercial enthusiasts videofilmers. 


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